25th April 2019
Claire Baseley

The truth about protein supplements

You can’t move in health food shops, supermarkets, sports shops and definitely not on Instagram for people shoving protein powder at you from every angle. From bodybuilders and fitspo queens to endurance athletes and over 50s, it would seem that everyone can benefit from protein supplements. Or can they? What’s the truth behind the hype? Does anyone really need a protein supplement? I’ll level with you, I do use a protein supplement but I will be the first to tell you that you don’t need one. Sound contradictory? Well maybe but hear me out first. Supplements are just that. If you eat a reasonably balanced diet, you don’t need supplements (apart from maybe a vitamin D supplement in winter). But, […]
17th April 2019
Herbal remedies

Spotlight on herbal supplements for the menopause

Hot flushes are no fun. Neither are night sweats, forgetting where your keys are, or indeed what your keys are for, and feeling glum, angry and tearful. All these delightful symptoms and more are signs of the peri-menopause that we will endure to a greater or lesser extent (maybe we already have or are in the midst of it all). Understandably, lots of ladies will look for natural and over the counter alternatives to help manage the symptoms because natural is better, right? I’m not here to tell you what you should and shouldn’t do but I want to give you the facts about traditional herbal medicines so you can make an informed choice. I don’t want to take HRT! […]
27th February 2019

Help! My child won’t eat vegetables!

Do you have mealtime battles with your kids? Do you cook different meals for the children and yourself? Do you bribe the kids with pudding and sweet treats to get them to eat their greens? If you’ve answered yes to any of these, you are not alone! I’ve worked with many parents to try to help them take the stress out of mealtimes when you have a picky eater in your midst. These are my top tips but above all, keep calm!   Start as you mean to go on   A great deal of research focuses on the months during which you first give your children food other than milk. This weaning period is over pretty quickly when you […]
31st January 2019
social media

Pretty Ugly. The Dark Side of Social Media.

You wake up and the first thing you do is reach for your phone and have a quick scroll through your Instagram feed. You look in the mirror and maybe what you see doesn’t reflect what you’d just seen in the 50 photos you’ve just browsed. Maybe your house isn’t as tidy and picture perfect. Maybe your wardrobe isn’t as curated and on trend. It’s 7.30am and you already feel inadequate. Sound familiar? Is social media actually damaging our mental health or is it just a bit of fun that we take with a pinch of salt? Does social media distort body image? Believe it or not, there are several studies that show that the more time you spend on […]