3rd July 2017
Body positivity

Beauty and the beach

We’ve hit peak ‘Beach body ready’ in the Northern Hemisphere.  Two months’ worth of diets, exercise plans and tummy smoothing swimsuits have been forced upon us from every angle.  It’s now the height of summer and to those who dare to take their body to the beach with double digit body fat percentage: Tracy Anderson is coming to get you.   Who on earth is Tracy Anderson?  She’s a US-based personal trainer to the stars, who once fell out with Madonna and fell in with Gwyneth Paltrow and the Goopettes.  You can see where this is going already.  Now usually, I tend to ignore these celebrity trainers and self-appointed wellness gurus, but last week my interest was piqued and I […]
16th June 2017

The curse of the buffet: when genes and all-you-can-eat collide

Hotel buffet, how we love thee.  Jelly for breakfast, 24/7 burgers and the all-you-can eat dessert buffet…  Sound like culinary heaven or a recipe for disaster?   I’ve recently returned from my honeymoon in Mexico where we stayed in a beautiful, all-inclusive hotel in which there was a limitless supply of food and drink, 24 hours a day.  The food was pretty good quality; a lot of it excellent and every palate, however fussy, was catered for.  There were a la carte restaurants serving Thai, Italian, Japanese or Mexican specialities as well as the ubiquitous buffet restaurant, in which every night you could dine on any cuisine under the sun.  Now I’m not here to tell you about my honeymoon […]
10th April 2017

Honesty and echo chambers in nutrition science

The times they are a-changin’.  OK so to Jo(e) Public, the world of nutrition probably remains largely the same, a smorgasboard of Instagrammed avocado on toast and inexplicably complicated diets needlessly eliminating one or other food group for optimal ‘wellness’.  But in the world of nutrition experts, endlessly battling pseudoscience and fads from every angle, there has been a small shift, a disturbance in clean eating’s force, maybe.  As we see some of the myths surrounding clean eating being debunked, are we witnessing the first stages of a triumph of evidence over pseudoscience?   Social media – a goldmine of nutribollox It’s very easy to be taken in, especially when the sphere of health on social media is so dominated […]
4th April 2017

Are super cheap foods good for you?

Tonight a new food TV series begins on ITV called Save Money: Good Food.  The show, starring presenter Susanna Reid and chef Matt Tebbutt, aims to help families eat well for less with tips on meal planning, cooking and budgeting.  I helped compare supermarket own label value foods against the more premium, branded options with some surprising results!  So when you buy a super cheap version of a food, are you really compromising on health or taste or could you be bagging yourself a healthy bargain?   Cornflakes This breakfast staple is actually nutritionally very similar, whichever brand you buy.  All consist of mostly maize with some added sugar, salt, vitamins and minerals.  What’s really interesting though, is the value-range […]