18th January 2017

Does social media distort body image?

Social media can be a tremendous force for good but does its darker side harbour problems for our body image and mental health?  I review the evidence and offer suggestions for how we deal with this potential ticking time bomb for our mental health.   Much research has shown, over the last two decades, that the ‘thin ideal’ portrayed in the traditional media (films, television, magazines, billboards etc.) is linked to negative body image and subsequently an increased risk of disordered eating.  The near constant presence of this thin ideal in some areas of the media normalise a body type that for most is neither realistic nor achievable but once this image becomes internalised in an individual, it becomes a […]
10th January 2017

Clean eating is dead! Long live the next fad.

So Ella Mills and the Hemsley sisters have distanced themselves from clean eating?  Or have they?  Why have the clean eating gurus distanced themselves from the trend they helped create?   Ella Mills has been quoted as saying that the clean eating movement is “dirty” and a fad diet.  Jasmine Hemsley stated “When we first heard it, we thought it meant without pesticides, or foods without junk in it, no preservatives. That’s all it means to us. Most people’s idea of clean eating now is salad with no sauce, or green juice. We have never really engaged with that.”   Melissa Hemsley added: “We’re not interested in making anyone feel fearful of food, scared of food, confused about food. We’re […]
31st December 2016

Why New Year diets don’t work

I’m sure we’ll all be happy to see 2016 consigned to the compost bin of time but is Jan 1st 2017 the best time to decide to lose weight with the new diet trend you read in a blog?  I’m all for making healthier choices but while these popular diets might offer initial success, you’ll find the weight loss tapering off and unhealthy habits creeping back in.  Here’s why most fad diets fail.   What happens when you diet? Generally, you reduce the number of calories you eat and often you eat lots of new healthier foods like vegetables, salads, high protein and high fibre foods and cut out foods with lots of added sugar and salt.  You may exclude […]
5th December 2016
Nutrition courses

What will be trending in nutrition in 2017?

I was at Food Matters Live recently which was a perfect opportunity to catch up with nutrition friends, attend a huge range of seminars and debates and of course, see what’s happening in the wonderful world of new product development.  Food Matters Live is the perfect place for small brands to launch their products and it also provides a great insight into what nutrition trends will emerge in the coming year.  So strap yourselves in: from the sensible to the downright bonkers, here’s what I think will be trending next year!   Fibre The latest National Diet and Nutrition Survey data show that we don’t eat anywhere near enough fibre (23g a day vs a target of 30g).  Ideally, we […]