11th March 2017
Healthy diets

What is the best diet for health?

We have a long history of debating what is the best diet for health.  Certainly, there is not a dearth of information.  In fact we are assaulted from all angles with research articles, editorials, opinion pieces, diet books, press features, blogs and “just one weird tip” clickbait links.  It feels to many that all scientists do is argue about what is the best diet and the public cannot be blamed for zoning out and carrying on regardless of all the conflicting health advice out there.  However, given the growing disparity between lifespan and healthspan, is it possible to say what diet is the best for health?  I summarise an excellent review article of the most popular diets that actually have […]
2nd March 2017

Opinion – The Nanny State vs the Feckless Idiot

As a nutritionist, I am often asked “What causes obesity?”  The answer is initially simple yet becomes fiendishly complex.  Most scientists will tell you that we gain weight because we eat more calories than we need.  However, WHY we overeat or in some way fail to eat a healthy balanced diet is far more complicated.  When I explain this, I am often met with derision from seemingly intelligent individuals who consider that anyone eating a less than perfect diet is unintelligent, feckless, wilfully negligent and that they are therefore beyond help.  Why should the state intervene to make everyone’s life miserable for the sake those individuals who can’t control themselves?  Here’s why what and how much we eat is not […]
15th December 2016

22 tips for healthier Christmas indulgence

It’s Chriiiiistmaaaas!  Tis the season to indulge, and why not?  The British Nutrition Foundation states that, on average, we may gain a pound or two over the festive period (but for many this could be a lot more) and this weight may be difficult to shed.  Is it possible to indulge healthily?   There are lots of articles about how to make healthier choices and reduce your calorie intake over the festive season.  It’s true that a lot of festive food and drink comes with a hefty calorie count (don’t forget the alcohol calories) but for many people, the festive season is one where indulgence is integral to the celebrations.  Articles like this from the British Nutrition Foundation, are fantastic […]
24th November 2016

The cult of fitspo, clean eating’s even darker sister

I’m a keen gym goer and am no stranger to the free weights area as resistance training is a fantastic way to build strength and increase your lean body mass.  I once even took my hobby to the next level by entering a bodybuilding competition (more on that fateful story later).  This was a good few years ago and since then I’ve seen an explosion of girls and guys on social media posting their ‘fitspiration’ or ‘#fitspo’ gym selfies along with their highs and lows of training and competing.  Many of these wellness warriors have set themselves up as health and fitness coaches offering online advice on training and diet for those who aspire to their physiques.  Fitspo has gone […]