10th November 2016
Nutrition courses

What does “evidence-based” actually mean?

There has been a glut of articles online and in magazines recently telling us that vegetables are actually bad for us and even that negative thoughts can be converted into fat!  Clearly, most sensible people will ignore this nonsense but with the media and many ‘diet experts’ citing that “new evidence shows…” that X is bad/good/a superfood, who do we believe?   You can usually trust registered dietitians and registered nutritionists to give you evidence-based advice but you’ll also find many unregistered, unregulated nutrition ‘experts’ claiming to use the latest evidence.  What actually IS evidence and how do we tell good from bad?   You’ll be familiar with studies published in the media linking food and health.  These are usually […]
20th October 2016

Is your office cake culture taking the biscuit?

With a birthday, engagement, wedding, promotion or a return from holiday being virtually a weekly occurrence across the country’s offices, is our traditional way of celebrating, with sweet treats, harming our health?   I visit many offices as part of my work as a freelance nutrition consultant and while many provide fruit bowls, virtually all of them have a ready supply of cakes, biscuits or sweets, often on several days of the week because there has been a reason for someone to bring them in.  When running health workshops, many employees tell me that while they know it’s bad for them, when unhealthy snacks are sitting next to the fruit bowl in the office, they find it almost impossible to […]
13th October 2016

Help! I’m getting married next year!

Congratulations on getting engaged!  Your wedding is about a year away and you’re probably thinking about venues, caterers and possibly even the dress.  Why is nutrition important this far out?   The most important thing to remember for any bride or groom is to look like yourself!  Your partner is marrying you for everything that you are right now, so don’t set unrealistic expectations for how you want to look on the big day.  The more confident you feel, the better and more relaxed you will look and confidence can come at any dress size.   The best way to radiate glowing health on your big day is with a healthy diet and no amount of expensive facials and treatments […]
31st August 2016

Back to school lunchbox tips

You’ve braved the shoe shop and the school uniform fittings.  Summer is on its way out and the kids are contemplating lessons again.  For parents of children who take lunchboxes to school, there’s a constant balancing act between what is healthy and what kids will eat.  Read on for tips on creating healthy and delicious lunchboxes all the family can enjoy.   The trick is to offer children lots of variety of foods rather than a variation on the sandwich each day.  Variety not only ensures children get a range of nutrients, it also helps avoid lunchbox boredom.  It needn’t be hard work.  For example, if you’re having pasta one night, make up a bit extra and create a pasta […]